The weather for yesterday looked to be the best that it's been for weeks so a good, long run was in order. I published the details on the Illawarra Riders site and was pleased to see quite a few … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2021
He ain’t heavy..
Proving that you are never too old to learn something new, here's a tip that turned up on Facebook today. Now, I hasten to add, I haven't tried it yet but it seems obvious from a physics point of view … [Read more...]
The Lap and a bit.
The weather on Monday was predicted to be dry and hot. Helena had some commitments so it seemed silly to waste part of the day so, mid-morning, I set out to do The Lap. I waited at the start point in … [Read more...]
Sometimes you just gotta have 4 wheels
I'd regard myself as being as passionate about my motorcycling as anyone else but I can't quite get with the "All you need is a motorcycle" crowd. Yes, a bike has all sorts of advantages but, sad to … [Read more...]
Jacob’s ladder
Yesterday I had the privilege of sitting down with rising star, Jacob Roulstone and listening to him talk about the last two years he as spent in Spain riding in the European Talent Cup. It's a long … [Read more...]
Honda reliability
I doubt that many of my local readers ever actually stop when they are navigating Macquarie Pass. To begin with, there is the involvement with the immensely enjoyable road to consider, plus the desire … [Read more...]
Time flies
It seems inconceivable that I could have missed this important anniversary but, as the title says, time flies, and it sure has. It is now more than 40 years since the last road closure at Macarthur … [Read more...]
A hardly ferocious 600
Well, it's Bathurst weekend so, what did I do? I went for a ride. I haven't watched the so-called great race for years and every year it gets less and less interesting. And I haven't done a long ride … [Read more...]
A fitting tribute
Got in a quick Pie Shop ride yesterday. Have been trying to meet up with an old road racing identity from the 70s and we finally managed to get our ducks in line. Alec used to race Kawasakis back in … [Read more...]