It hasn't been the best of times in my household the last few days. While my wife's recover from her breast cancer operation is going well and she's settled well into the radiotherapy routine, my … [Read more...]
It has been a very long season
Witnessed by the fact that this weekend's Valencia Grand prix will be going ahead without three of its stars. Of course, a minute's silence will be observed in memory of Marco Simoncelli and the … [Read more...]
A year is a long time
It was a year ago today. I hadn't had a call for school, I had finished doing my chores, so I set out for a pie and a cup of coffee at the Famous Robertson Pie Shop. I didn't get there. A quarter of … [Read more...]
Breathing easy
It's been a huge week; I hardly know where to start. Yesterday I had my 6-weekly checkup and X-rays at the Fracture Clinic at Wollongong Hospital. It's always a trial. First you have to get a … [Read more...]
More good news
Whoohoo, went to the fracture clinic at the hospital. X-rays confirm that the bones ARE healing and that no movement of pins, plates, screws, has taken place. I now have permission to put full … [Read more...]
Week 12 progress report
It's 12 weeks today since the accident. I continue to be heartened by the continued good wishes and support that I am receiving. I go back to the Fracture Clinic at Wollongong Hospital on Wednesday … [Read more...]
Recuperation update
It's 9 weeks today since my accident. The insurance company has paid out on the bike and my replacement set of wheels (4 of them) is sitting in the driveway. I can't drive it yet, obviously, but I can … [Read more...]