On a regular basis I count myself exceedingly lucky that we decided to move from the ACT back to Wollongong. Apart from the very close proximity of my daughter and BSILW and my 3 wonderful grandsons, it has allowed me to be in the position to enjoy some of the best riding roads that the state has to offer and all within a very short radius of my home.
Consider this.
- The Lap
This is a map of what us locals call, “The Lap” Around 180kms in distance it covers some of the best roads within reach and embraces them into an exhilarating ride that can be accomplished at any time one has a couple of hours to spare. Beginning at my place, I head out to Albion Park (just north of the marked route), and then up Macqaurie Pass to Roberston. I couldn’t get google maps to combine all of this one one map so you’ll have to put ablue line through the first part of “The Lap” yourself. If I have time, I stop at The Famous Roberston Pie SHop for a drink, then I head on through the town and turn left at Pearson’s Lane, just on the western side of the town. From there I wind down through the lavendar farms and the dairy farms to Fitzroy Falls.
At the Nowra Road intersection I turn left and head down Barrengarry Mountain to Kangaroo Valley. This mountain pass is twisty, interesting and fun. Grinding through KV at 50km/h is fun too, NOT. But once you hit the 80 on the eastern side of town it’s a spirited run up through the twisties of Cambewarra Mountain and down the other side to meet the Princes Hihways at Bomaderry.
Left at Bomaderry and s short transport stage up the highway, which, if you can get a clear run north of Berry (always a better chance during the week than on the weekend) has its own share of sweeping up and downhill corners, then through the Kiama bends and left onto the old road west of town and right onto Jamberoo Road. Again, a patchwork of sweeping tiwsty corners takes you into the town and through till you get just north of town. You then have the choice of heading north an back through the twisties to home..
- Jamberoo to Albion Park
or head left at the bottom of the hill and head up Jamberoo Mountain Pass and back to the Pie Shop.
Spoiled, eh?