I'm still a bit in shock this morning. My good buddy and photographer and fellow CRRC foundation member, John Small, was found dead yesterday at his home at Tilba, on the south coast of NSW. The … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2022
Helena had her monthly quilting class this morning and the weather was great, cool, of course, but ideal riding conditions. It was Bexie's turn today so I headed out early. The plan was to go up Mt … [Read more...]
One picture is worth..
It's funny how significant a photo can be when you have seen it dozens of times and not realised it. Here's a shot of mine from the 1978 King of the Weir meeting at Hume Weir. Most people will … [Read more...]
A School Excursion Pt2
Welcome back. After having detailed my teaching up until the beginning of 2004, let me continue and also get to the nitty-gritty of the story as well. Our decision to leave Canberra and return to … [Read more...]
A School Excursion
Sleep is not happening quite as it should these and portions of every night seem to be dedicated to random thoughts about all manner of subjects that seem to have little meaning or connection. Now you … [Read more...]
Where’s Wally?
Wally and Margaret, what a couple. Where's Wally? Looking at the title of my article this morning you might be encouraged to think that I’m going to write something about that famous cartoon … [Read more...]
All dressed up and….
The weather on the east cost of Australia continues to play havoc with the lives of nearly all residents. Losses in the latest lot of flooding (in areas that have only just recovered for similar … [Read more...]
Behind the scenes with The Croz (sort of)
You'd have to have been hiding under a rock to have missed the fact that yesterday was Kiwi ace, Graeme Crosby's 67th birthday. Arguably one of the most photographed racers of his era, mainly because … [Read more...]
“Rocket” Ron
This photo turned up in my social media today. I'd like to say that it was mine, but it's not. It does have a distinct Rob Lewis look to it and he was well known in the day for his crisp B&W shots … [Read more...]
Rain, rain, go away..
Earlier this year we had a sustained period of rain that caused widespread flooding all over the Sydney Basin. Since then things have dried up but on Friday an intense low pressure system moved in and … [Read more...]