While I have never been a fashionista I've often liked to have my riding gear matching the colour of my bikes. Over the last 20 years or so this hasn't been difficult because my bikes have almost … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2021
More old racing pics
A Facebook friend posted this photo this morning and I couldn't resist re-publishing it. It is such a excellent shot that captures so much of what was great about Australian road racing in the … [Read more...]
I’m back
As you've probably noticed, the site has been down for a little while. I haven't noticed because my main computer also spat the dummy a week ago and I've had to replace it. Rebuilding all my settings … [Read more...]
Flying (riding) under the radar
Life under lockdown continues to be weird. Not for us, we’re getting on great and the rest of the world is passing on by without affecting us very much at all. However, the regulations regarding … [Read more...]
The cold shoulder
It is now nearly six months since my “off” which resulted in a non-displaced fracture of the greater tuberosity bone at the top of the humerus of my left arm. This little piece of bone that extends … [Read more...]
Absent friends
It’s times like this, when there isn’t a lot to do and life isn’t quite so busy that you think of things that you normally wouldn’t have time to. Today my thoughts turned to absent friends. Like my … [Read more...]
Enforced saving..
With the announcement this morning that we are in for another two weeks (at least) of lockdown, there is much talking about counting the cost. It is certain that many businesses will go to the wall … [Read more...]
No end in sight
If you happen to live in the Police State that is NSW your opportunity for living a normal life is looking less and less likely with every passing day. Three weeks into lockdown and some are … [Read more...]
How far is too far?
The VFR is soon to pass the 100000km mark (presently 92468). I took this photo in the back streets of Braidwood when I was on a South Cast tour. Without exception, all of my VFRs have been over … [Read more...]
How do you solve a problem like Vinales?
Last Saturday, in the midst of practice for the Dutch TT a rumour started sweeping the paddock that caught nearly everyone by surprise. Monster Yamaha's Mavrrick Vinales was quitting the team at the … [Read more...]