The appalling weather that threatened to shut down this weekend's Australian Grand Prix at Phillip Island has again led to calls for the date of the event to be moved to a date where the weather is … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2019
How safe is safe?
I went for a ride yesterday in spite of the weather forecast predicting strong to gale force winds. In my defence, the winds were anything but when I set out and remained noticeable but safe … [Read more...]
Since I seem to be on a roll with things that I HAVEN'T done in motorcycloing I'd best 'fess up that I have done next to no pillioning. Now carrying a passenger on your bike is a bit like beer, you … [Read more...]
Dirt bikes
Now you must have noticed by now that my motorcycling experience has been almost entirely devoid of anything dirt bike related. The reason for this is that I discovered very early that I liked to have … [Read more...]
Words of wisdom from David
As you know, I am pretty particular about original content so I hope you'll forgive me if I use today's blog to share the content of the most respected of MotoGp journalists, David Emmett. David's own … [Read more...]
Orphans Pt 6
In my continuing series on bikes that their manufacturers have cheerfully disowned, I want to look at another “it seemed like a good idea at the time” motorcycle, the Yamaha GTS1000, and, as part of … [Read more...]
Gentleman Jack
It's 95 years this week since one of Australia's motorcycle road racing legends, Jack Ahearn, was born (6-10-1924). He raced in Europe as a privateer from 1954 through to 1974 a remarkable achievement … [Read more...]
Size matters
As I have noted many times, it never ceases to amaze me how photos from 40 years ago keep surfacing out of peoples' collections. The above is a classic example. Firstly, the details. The year is 1978. … [Read more...]
On trial
I'm a comparative newcomer to the world of historic vehicles (though some have suggested rather unkindly that I'm already historic myself) but the latest developments surrounding historic vehicles in … [Read more...]
Vive la difference
My local photographer, John Keogh, of Keogh's Vision Photography, posted up on his Facebook page the other day that he was going to be photographing on Macquarie Pass on Saturday between 0900 and … [Read more...]