Some time ago I spoke of the Great Ocean Road in Victoria and, in the process of that article, I alluded to my first visit to this iconic location, quite some time ago. I thought I'd expand upon that … [Read more...]
Oh, dear, I have been very slack, haven't I? My sincere apologies. As you can see from the title, next weekend begins the 4 rounds of the MotoGp world championship that are away from their European … [Read more...]
Stirring up some memories
Feeling just a little melancholic today as I will explain. It was 4 years ago this week that I attended the funeral of Australian racing great, Warren Willing. It was a sad day to observe the passing … [Read more...]
All over the place, Pt2
Along with it being pretty hot and sticky at Engadine on Sunday, I had another reason for packing up early and heading home. MotoGp was going to be on later in the evening and I wanted to make sure I … [Read more...]
All over the place..
It's been pretty hectic here at Hall's House of Honda the last few days. I'd better start at the beginning, I was told once that that is the best idea. Sunday last was the CEMCC annual bike show at … [Read more...]
When your low ride is too low
I went to a truck show on the weekend. Pretty unusual as I'm not really a truck man at all but I did have my reasons apart from the fact that it was a sunny, Spring day. The show was at Port kembla at … [Read more...]
From an archive
I have remarked on numerous occasions over the years that it staggers me that photos from over 40 years ago keep coming out of peoples' archives that nobody has ever seen except the person who took … [Read more...]
Winging it
Well I did my first long ride on Goldie yesterday. My club, CEMCC, has a monthly Wednesday ride named in honour of a former member and it is always well attended, at least that's what I have been … [Read more...]