Lots of changes taking place at Chez Hall at the moment. As already reported, Marvan the van has gone to a new home in Sydney, I have bought a newer bike which may, or may not, replace the VFR and … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2021
Old racing photos….again
Yep, I know you've seen this one before, but, bear with me because there is a reason. The photo is from Bathurst, 1977 and the rider is the late Kenny Blake aboard Rusty Cragill's TZ350. Rusty is the … [Read more...]
I started riding in 1974 and, for the majority of that time I have ridden middleweight bikes. Apart from a brief flirtation with a 250 two stroke and a later one with a huge GS 850 Suzuki shaft drive, … [Read more...]
Bye, bye, Marvan
After sitting in the front yard unused for more months than it should have, we finally made the decision to sell Marvan, our do-it-yourself camper van. We had some fabulous trips and some great … [Read more...]
I think I detailed some time ago that, for many years, I have had what is called "lazy eyelids". The proper medical term is ptosis (the p is silent like the x in caterpillar). In February, after … [Read more...]
Digging up the past
Most of you know that I am a 5th generation Australian and that I can trace my family in Australia back to George Hall and his wife, Mary Smith who emigrated to Australia in 1802 as free settlers. … [Read more...]