Well, why not? Today was mercifully free of rain but quite blustery, causing many riders to have another difficulty with which to deal. Overall, it was great day, filled with the usual dramas, … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2020
Thursday notes from the Island
Today was practice day though nowhere near enough practising got done due to rain which swept regularly across the circuit throughout the day. However, it is what it is, as someone said (I think it … [Read more...]
It’s hump day on the island
It's been an interesting couple of days to say the least but, you know me, I NEVER say the least so here's what's happened since my last post. On a normal Island Classic weekend I'd head off super … [Read more...]
Island bound – again
Yes, it's that time of the year again. Tomorrow I hit the road, heading south to Phillip Island for the 28th annual Island Classic. As usual I'll be doing my MotoPod duties, seeking out important and … [Read more...]
Guardian angels
Yesterday on Facebook a frightening series of images were posted (they had been posted before but, anyway) of a car that had been following a van when one of the van's disk brake disks had exploded. … [Read more...]
You'd have to have been living under a rock to not know that the last month or so has seen vast areas of the eastern seaboard of Australia devastated by bushfires. Untold acres have been burnt, … [Read more...]
Draconian laws
The following is an article I published elsewhere a few years ago but which is pretty relevant right now. Over the Christmas/New Year break we are accustomed to the usual PSAs from the authorities … [Read more...]