I have a folder on my hard drive that just has scanned images of all the CRRC riders who I was able to photograph back in the day and this one is one of the best. It depicts Murray Ogilvie on the … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2023
An unexpected curiosity
As I've remarked on numerous occasions, you should never be surprised at what turns up on social media. Since the AI kernel of Facebook predicts what you might be interested based on what presently … [Read more...]
One picture..
If you don't already know that I am a sucker for anything to do with motorcycle endurance racing then you haven't been hanging around here for long. Well before the internet and social media, my … [Read more...]
BOM has been predicting rain all week so I have held off setting out on a ride. But weather forecasting is an imprecise science at best and, as is often the case, they bombed out (did you see what I … [Read more...]
A great little find
I went to a speedway show yesterday. It was held at the Liverpool District Museum and was held to celebrate the great days of Liverpool Speedway. There was some vintage speedway machinery on display … [Read more...]
Friday Fastback
We are all very familiar with the famous John Small colour photo of Graeme Crosby doing a wheelstand up Jackie Howe Crescent at Macarthur during the first road closure in October 1978. I thought you … [Read more...]
Pay up or…
Warning: Soap box content. The following will probably read like an "old man shouting at the sky" but I make no apologies for writing it (have I EVER?) My subject is the now almost total lack of … [Read more...]
And while we are on the subject of the weather…
...Winter arrived last night. Ambient is just above 10 here on the coast but, on the tops, it's much colder. The pictures here are by David Metcalf and show scenes of a considerable dumping of snow in … [Read more...]
Whether the weather
Random image taken from the internet (wouldn't you know it, it's a VFR!) No, I'm not going to talk about the techniques and tips for riding in bad weather, I've done that before. Rather, I AM going … [Read more...]
In search of..
There are many people who uncharitably suggest that riding a motorcycle is merely an excuse for finding coffee shops and cafes at which to stop and TALK about motorcycles. Indeed, there is one … [Read more...]