...are like no other gloves, or so they say. My summer gloves take a bit of a hiding. I tend to wear them most of the year with my mid-season gloves only being brought out if the weather gets … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2022
Another one of them Pt 3
It was an early start on Monday after an excellent sleep on a comfortable bed with great pillows. I know I bang on about this but, if you are going to be covering considerable distances day after day, … [Read more...]
Another one of them Pt 2
After a pretty ordinary night, it was great to contemplate getting on the road again. But, as Clarkson often says, there was a problem. The problem was that it was 0500 and it was still dark. Having … [Read more...]
Another one of them..
I had a spare space in my usually crowded social calendar so Paul and I decided to do a quick Oxley run. It would be my first long trip in almost exactly a year after my standing still drop at Mt … [Read more...]
I am guessing that most of you know that I am a twin. When mum and dad were expecting us, in 1948, there were no MRI scans or anything fancy like that so it came as quite a shock !!! when, just six … [Read more...]
Forgive me if I’ve told you this one before
It is amazing what looking at an old photograph can do. I have told the story below many times in many different surroundings but it was only yesterday that a friend posted up this picture on Facebook … [Read more...]
More feats of endurance
I hope you'll forgive me for including this fabulous pic of Kenny from the 1973 Six Hour but, trust me, it is relevant. From time to time here I like sharing stories of people who have performed … [Read more...]
Sitting still
From time to time a thread will pop up on the forum asking how many kms/miles users did on their bike in the last calendar year. Most of the time I don't take part, it's just another "mine's better … [Read more...]