Well, it's been a while and, seriously, there is no real excuse for leaving it this long, after all, it isn't as if I have anything pressing to do. My last ride was over a week ago with the classic … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2020
Over the top
On a fairly regular basis (too regular for my liking) the question arises on social media of who was the best grand prix racer of all time. It’s irksome because there isn’t a definitive answer nor can … [Read more...]
The practice of social distancing
I have refused to comment on the current hysteria and will continue to do so. Having said that, we, as a family, are doing our best to ameliorate the effects as much as we can and are pretty much … [Read more...]
Doing it again
Looking at my photos archive it is apparent that I haven't done any long rides since November last year. Now, before anyone starts calling me a part-time biker or such-like I have to say that the … [Read more...]
Words from the Master
As mentioned previously, I was fortunate enough to be able to record this very long interview with Freddie Spencer while he was here in Australia for the Barry Sheene Festival of Speed in 2015. It IS … [Read more...]
Legends and Heroes
As a (retired) teacher of English it is becoming a constant annoyance to me how the language is being mangled in the media and in general usage. Yes, I am aware that language is an organic thing and … [Read more...]
50-50 2020
They say that people who have more birthdays live longer. I guess that's true because I'm coming up to my 71st shortly and I have lived a long time, it seems. A friend of my dad's summed up my … [Read more...]