My late father had a huge collection of funny and witty sayings; for example, he used to say that, if you throw a stone into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that you hit. He died before … [Read more...]
More than a Slight advantage
Last Island Classic I had the pleasure of seeing Kiwi racing star, Aaron Slight, do some demo laps on the Britten superbike. Renowned as one of the best riders never to win a WSBK world championship, … [Read more...]
Hands across the water, sorta!
Facebook is a funny thing, both funny peculiar AND funny haha. I have a good FB friend who lives in Oregon in the USA. He's a keen motorcyclist and a passionate follower of drag racing, especially the … [Read more...]
What do you know?
What do YOU know? A while ago on Facebook somebody started a thread that was prompted by a comment by former GP campaigner and now TV commentator, Darryl Beattie. Darryl was reported to have said … [Read more...]
Oops, I didn’t do it again
Yep, you know the story, but it's pretty much the same. It's been Chaos Central in the Hall household the last week. Helena is continuing to receive treatment for her Graves Disease and it's starting … [Read more...]
Bits and pieces from all over
I note that it has been 8 days since my last update, shocking, really, but I DO have a really good excuse. My wife has been diagnosed with a recurrence of Graves Disease, an overactive thyroid gland … [Read more...]
Playing along
Back in my day there were no such thing as replica bikes, well, almost no such thing. There were a plethora of models available from all the Japanese manufacturers, working on the principle that they … [Read more...]
Into each life some rain must fall – again..
Amongst the many reasons why I find the whole climate change religion to be so totally bogus is the fact that the same people who can't predict what the weather is going to do in the next 4 hours … [Read more...]
My VFR’s
Elsewhere on this site I have told the story of the various bikes I have owned since I first started riding in 1974. It's fair to say that I have been a Honda man, since my first bike, a lovely little … [Read more...]