For the last few weeks I have only been riding the Hornet. I wanted to give it the best chance to convince me that it is a better bike for me than the VFR. Today I took the VFR to the shop to get the … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2022
Of course you could but why would you want to?
One of the major traps of the Information Superhighway is that there is simply too much information. Without getting into the philosophy of it, the world has come to believe that information is, of … [Read more...]
What might have been
So, it's Monday and, were this a normal year I would be finalising my packing for the trip to Phillip Island and the Island Classic. But, with COVID, management changes at the circuit and budgetary … [Read more...]
Silly Summer
I got out for another ride on Thursday and it served to illustrate just how crazy this Summer has been so far. Here we are, with almost two months of the season done and we have so far had only one … [Read more...]
Night riders…
I noted not that long ago that I don't often ride at night these days. It's partly a combination of circumstances and partly a healthy respect for the possibility of wildlife, which is always an … [Read more...]
A little more of the same
Today was the first day this week when it hasn't rained and by rained, I mean rained. By our rain gauge (a pretty rudimentary affair, it must be said), we have had nearly 100mm of rain this week and … [Read more...]
A long day
Girls-only motorcycle groups are popping up all over the place these days. The rationale seems to be that the girls can get together, ride and have fun and not be intimidated by testosterone-inflamed … [Read more...]
Feats of endurance, again
In these days where it is possible to circumnavigate the whole continent of Australia without ever having to go off the bitumen, it is easy to forget that even relatively short distances were a major … [Read more...]
It occurred to me the other day that it's been some time since I gave Rhonnda a tubby. After the solo Putty run a few weeks ago, the last half of which was completed in the rain and then the group … [Read more...]