Just to start with I thought I'd publish this brilliant portrait of Raplhie by Kim O'Reilly. I don't know who she is but if ever a portrait captured the essence of its subject this one does. Last … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2018
A bad weekend
Every now and then you get a reminder that you don't really want. It was so just a week or so ago when a racing friend from Queensland posted up this picture. It shows the late Greg Pollock, one of … [Read more...]
Better out than in
Well, the waiting is finally over. After being troubled considerably by an over-active thyroid gland since before Christmas last year, Helena has finally had it removed. She has had bouts of Graves … [Read more...]
A little bit more about crashes..
You can go for months without having a drama and then they seem to come along all together. A while ago, on the way home from school, I had 3 separate incidents of drivers merging into my lane … [Read more...]
Speed, speed and more speed
Last night's Austrian Motogp race promised to be a thriller and so it turned out to be. On a track that is fast, even by MotoGp standards, the riders raised the bar yet again when it came to … [Read more...]
Wayne’s World
As promised, on Tuesday night I joined a huge crowd of motorcycle racing enthusiasts at Wollongong's main movie theatre to see the premiere of the Wayne Gardner documentary. The movie had previously … [Read more...]
Worth winning
Sunday night's MotoGp race from Brno can hardly be described as the most exciting, certainly not if judged by the last few events in the championship. The riders rode around for much of the race at … [Read more...]
Concerts and other miscellania
A Facebook memory reminded me a few weeks ago that it had been 3 years since our group, "Three Sixty" had their first public performance at Illawarra Folk Club in Wollongong. I remember the night … [Read more...]