The city of Sydney now has a population of well over 4 million people. Spread over a geographical area that extends from the Hawkesbury River in the north, the foothills of the Blue Mountains in the … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2017
When Honda debuted the CB750/4 in 1967, the manufacturer unwittingly created a template, elements of which would still be followed some 50 years after its inception. While it is true that Kawasaki … [Read more...]
SMIDSY et al
(this is quite a long article but it's hard to deal with the topic briefly) I wonder how many of my readers remember one of these? Yes, it’s a motorcycle headlamp switch. It allows you to … [Read more...]
The suspension is killing me
I'm sitting here tonight and my arms feel like I've been sparring with Danny Green. Why? Well, I did my first long run on Rhonnda yestersday and, while some parts of it went well, there were parts … [Read more...]
Night rider
Ideas for things to write in my blog come from all manner of places and occur at all manner of different times. When the title for this article first came into my head, the first thing I thought of … [Read more...]
Facebook and forums
I've been a member of my local motorcycle forum since 2005 and a large, national forum since around the same time. During that time many changes have taken place in the area of social media, the most … [Read more...]
Riding Rhonnda
Picked Rhonnda up from the shop this morning. I booked her in yesterday to get a baseline service done and also for my mechanic to sort out why the back brake wasn't working. The intricacies of … [Read more...]
The fastest of them all
Were you to pass by Ralph Hudson in the street and were you to stop and notice him, he would appear as a most unremarkable person. Slight of build, white wavy hair and usually topped with a baseball … [Read more...]
Yes, after an unconscionable period of absence I am back at the keyboard. However, I DO have a good excuse. I am recovering from nearly a week at the Island Classic. Last time I reported to you it was … [Read more...]