Well, the MotoGP season ended with more of a whimper than a bang. The final showdown between the incumbent and the pretender was a bit of a damp squib when Martin had a brain fade that took him out of … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2023
Snowy Ride Day 4
After a good night's sleep in Cooma, first thoughts were to consult BOM and see what the weather was going to do for our last day, the run home. All looked great, fine in the morning but with some … [Read more...]
Snowy Ride Day 3
Day 3 dawned sunny and dry, whoohoo. Note the difference between the same shot from the evening before.... ...and, after a Bright breakfast (the guy at the cafe hadn't heard that one before), … [Read more...]
Snowy Ride Day 2
The hotel at Walwa offered a help-yourself continental breakfast so we fuelled up before our second day. And, speaking of fuelling up, the town offered a nice snapshot of how business is done in small … [Read more...]
Snowy Ride Day 1
It's been a long time, months, in fact, since I've been able to do a big tour. Not that I don't appreciate short runs and local exploration, but I really do enjoy spending some days on the road and … [Read more...]
Ships that pass in the night..
This photo was taken on the 3rd of June 1941 and it depicts the two greatest ocean liners of their era, the Queen Mary (3 funnels) leaving Sydney Harbour while the newer Queen Elizabeth is passing by … [Read more...]
First impressions
The White Knight has been back to the shop for its 1000km first service. Considering that I bought the bike on the 23rd of September it seems an inordinately long period of time to clock up such a … [Read more...]
It’s getting to be good riding weather again
On regular occasions I have been known to gloat (just a little) about how we, in the Southern Hemisphere, have a much better time of it when it comes to riding weather. Unlike my NH friends, most of … [Read more...]