It's the last Sunday in the month today so we held our customary Brekkie Ride. I missed the last one due to my flu so it was great to get back out and do a group ride. There were plenty of other … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2023
How have the mighty fallen
Yes, it's me again. Still suffering from this flu and still nowhere near over it. It's now five weeks. Sheesh. No energy to do much, doctor says rest and drink plenty of fluids. OK, I'm doing that but … [Read more...]
The end of an era, the start of a new one?
Last Wednesday, the worst-kept MotoGP secret was confirmed. Marc Marquez will be leaving Honda at the end of the 2023 season, escaping one year early from his 4 year contract. I must admit that I was … [Read more...]
Black Boxes
I have become addicted to Mat Oxley and Peter Bom's podcasts. Freely available on most platforms, they continue to provide an excellent adjunct to the regular news outlets' offerings. Oxley, published … [Read more...]
It can't have escaped your notice that I have been MIA for the last couple of weeks but I do have a good reason, honest. Back in my Army days one of the punishments for misbehaviour was being Confined … [Read more...]