It’s the last Sunday in the month today so we held our customary Brekkie Ride. I missed the last one due to my flu so it was great to get back out and do a group ride. There were plenty of other events on this weekend, too, Coffee and Cars at Berrima, MCC of NSW’s Breakfast Torque at Heathcote and a highly-publicised car and bike show at Jamberoo oval. However, since all of those events involved LOOKING at bikes rather than RIDING one, it seemed that plenty of other people agreed with our decision to run our event on this Sunday.
The day dawned clear and cloudless and the promise of late 20 degrees temperature so it looks like the elements had also agreed with us. At the start point there were 22 of us ready to go (20 bikes, two with pillion passengers) and we lit out down the highway to the Again and Again cafe at Bomadery, just north of Nowra. A reversal of our usual programme was that we got to the breakfast location as quickly as possible and had the “ride” part of the ride on the twisties AFTER we’d eaten and had coffee.
Again and Again is a fairly new venture located on the outside of the new Woolworths supermarket just behind the Maccas at the Bomadery roundabout. I had booked some weeks ago and confirmed the booking and likely numbers late in the week to give the people the best chance of catering for us. The lady didn’t seem at all fazed when I told her there was likely to be 20+ people, she was only concerned that we understood that, because of the numbers, not all of us would be able to be served together. I assured her that this didn’t matter and, as it turned out, our orders arrived remarkably quickly anyway.
The weather was beautiful and we arrived to find that a whole section of the cafe had been reserved for us so that we could all sit together and our ordering started almost immediately. Coffees and hot drinks were delivered very quickly so we were able to chat while waiting for our food orders, an excellent idea that other venues would do well to copy.
The food choices were extensive and well-priced and my poached eggs and crispy bacon exceeded my expectations.
After solving all of the world’s problems we split up, some of the members wanting to double back to see the bike car and bike show at Jamberoo Oval and the rest of us opting for travelling home the long way, over the mountain, through Kangaroo Valley and then to Robertson and down Jamberoo Pass and home. I think “our group” had 10 participants and the run up and down and up and down and up and down (you get the idea) was super enjoyable.
The closer we got to Jamberoo the clearer it became that the organisers of the show had chosen the day well. The streets of the town were crowded with parked cars and the road into town was at a standstill as people tried to get INTO town to see the show. I must admit that the idea of going to have a look did seem attractive until I saw that; I’m getting to be a grumpy old man.
So we headed north and separated to our various locations. I’d left home at 0710 and got home before midday. About 150kms round trip and hugely enjoyable. On the way down Jamberoo Road from the Pie Shop we encountered and old gentleman in an old Toyota Avalon and he was SLOW!!!. I’m sure we could have all passed him eventually but I didn’t want to break the group up so we stopped along the flat, had a chat for ten minutes or so then headed off again. Genius! Didn’t see another car going our way till we got to Jamberoo. Patience, grasshopper, it always works.
Big thank you to everyone who participated, with the great weather coming on the November ride should be a cracker. Watch this space.