It can’t have escaped your notice that I have been MIA for the last couple of weeks but I do have a good reason, honest. Back in my Army days one of the punishments for misbehaviour was being Confined to Barracks. I haven’t done anything wrong but I sure feel like CB certainly applies to me.
Today is Day 10 of me being confined at home with a particularly vicious virus that my Influenza vaccination earlier on in the year has utterly failed to provide protection from. Without the gory details it manifests itself in the general feeling of having been run over by a Sherman tank and is accompanied by an equally execrable dose of Conjunctivitis.
So life consists of me resting, drinking lots of fluids and waiting for the symptoms to alleviate. One of my FB friends has had the same bug and is only now starting to get his head back up above water.
Lest it seem that I am bemoaning my fate, I assure you I am not. As I have remarked on numerous occasions, there are always people who are worse off than you are. My wonderful wife is proving, as always, that she is the world’s best at everything and not only so but being able to manage the house and me with a smile. Is it any wonder that our marriage has lasted 50 years, no other woman would put up with me anyway!! 🙂
So, what else is happening? Well, there has been MotoGP broadcasts to watch and they certainly have been entertaining. Why Honda ever decided not to exercise their option on Jorge Martin when they had the opportunity to do so is entirely beyond me (I believe that I remarked that at the time). 2023 is looking like a repeat performance of 2022 where the points leader gets run down late in the season despite looking like having an unassailable lead. The momentum is clearly with Martin at the moment with Bagnaia looking increasingly vulnerable.
I have had to cancel several nursing home concerts which I feel really bad about having to do but it is the only safe thing to do. My doctor assures me that the tests he has run prove that I don’t have COVID or any other of the pernicious influenzas that the vaccinations cover but I can’t be cavalier about it.
I MAY actually have finally found a mechanic who can solve the on-going cooling system issues that have afflicted the Golf for the last few years. After spending copious amounts of money at my local VW dealer to no avail, it seems that the coolant overflow bottle has been the problem all along. I am too annoyed to even comment any further.
Anyway, at least I am feeling well enough to sit down at the computer tonight so I suppose that is an advance.
Catch you next time.