I did a trip to Sydney's northern beaches yesterday, riding shotgun for my brother while he delivered a bike (above) to a buyer there. Now, before you go, what the heck. the bike is NOT Paul's beloved … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2019
Orphans Pt7
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BCgl2uumlI Yes, you guessed it, in my continuing but erratic series on bikes that manufacturers possibly should have thought twice about, today I'm going to look at … [Read more...]
In Memoriam
Today is a very special day for me. On this day, 20th December, in 1969, 50 years ago exactly, my dad collapsed on the kitchen floor and passed away from a massive heart attack. He was just 59 years … [Read more...]
Doing it in the dirt
I spent a very enjoyable day on Saturday commentating at Macarthur Motorcycle Complex near Appin, about 50kms from my place. The occasion was Round 2 of the cleverly-named "Sultans of Slide" NSW Flat … [Read more...]