Like here, for example. If this photo doesn't touch your heart, then you may be past saving. … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2018
As you all know, I really enjoy doing our nursing home gigs. I guess it's a way of giving something back to the older generation after all that they have given to us. And it's all part of my show-off … [Read more...]
Well, hello Autumn
This is the scene out my front door this morning. It is most unusual because, here on the east coast of Australia, we have been experiencing an extended Summer. Just yesterday the skies were clear and … [Read more...]
Happy birthday, Mr Superbike
Today, the 27th of April is the 62nd birthday of Robbie Phillis, the man who was christened Mr Superbike during his racing career due to his dominance of the category in Australia. As well as winning … [Read more...]
While cleaning out mum's house when she went into care earlier on this year, we found all of Dad's official army papers; I never knew that mum had kept them. Dad was considerably older than mum, they … [Read more...]
The end of the line
Though it hasn't been officially announced by Honda, it seems that the venerable VFR Honda range has come to an end. First appearing in 1986 (above), VFR fanatics have been contacting their local … [Read more...]
When the road calls
Last weekend was Round 3 of Motostars, held at the picturesque Greer Park go kart track just out of Toowoomba in Qld. The plan always was for me to take the bike for this round, the furthest afield of … [Read more...]
When your supplier is dependent on another supplier
Again my apologies for not updating more often. Family commitments have taken precedence and look like doing so so for a little while longer, please bear with me. As most of you know I have been … [Read more...]
If it’s Easter, it must be Bathurst
My first road race meeting was Laverton in February 1976. From then to the end of 1981 I hardly missed a meeting, so I was privileged to live through, see, document and be part of what most people now … [Read more...]