When I last posted, 7 days ago, I was in San Diego and had Just visited the workshop of Rob North. So much has happened since then and I'm going to try and redress the balance and sum up my last week … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2015
Further North – again
This morning I was extremely privileged. Acting on information received, I was able to contact the legendary motorcycle frame builder, Rob North. I discovered that his workshop in in San Diego, only … [Read more...]
California dreaming..
Saturday was tourist day. After a leisurely breakfast we headed out to see the sights of this truly beautiful city. Christine was determined to show me the highlights as well as some of the places … [Read more...]
If you’re going to San Francisco
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ_WG3d3GL8[/youtube] I don't quite know how I am going to do this but I am going to try and sum up my unbelievable weekend in San Francisco. I left San … [Read more...]
The van that George built
Tonight when we were going across for coffee, I spotted this lovely VW van. Obviously converted into a campervan, it appeared to have lots of individual features so I stopped and looked. The door was … [Read more...]
Racing in the heartland
Despite my best endeavours I didn't get to see all three races from Indy on the weekend. The combination of a poor night's sleep and a miscalculation of the time zone differences between the … [Read more...]
In the still of the night
My daughter posted this picture on my Facebook page yesterday. Despite the fact that she lives on the other side of the world, it shows very clearly how well she knows me. I have always been a good … [Read more...]
The old side of town
This morning we went down to San Diego to do a "tourist" day. Just on the northern outskirts of the city is the Old Town, a very Mexican-flavoured tourist trap that walks a very acceptable line … [Read more...]
It’s all about the family
It was a very quiet day today. After ping-ponging all over the place the last few days, I stayed home and Helena and Natalie went shopping. I had the three munchkins (above) for the day, so, what to … [Read more...]
Rising to the Challenger
Today my wonderful daughter drove me about an hour and a half north of here to the world famous Huntington Beach. Home of the surfing culture that began in the 60's and Bruce Brown's iconic surfing … [Read more...]