As a matter of incidental interest, I noted that quite a few of the WSBK riders at Phillip Island were sporting beards. Round winner, Sylvain Guintoli, pictured here, was one of them. Like most … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2014
Among my souvenirs
I'm not much of a souvenir hunter, although looking at the picture above, you wouldn't think so. When the idea came to me to write this article I didn't think I'd have much to show, but, it seems I … [Read more...]
Come fly with me
Well, I am home from PI and the World Supers. What an adventure and what a cautionary tale as well; let me explain. Herein a mixture of new material and my potted reports as events unfolded on … [Read more...]
Into each life some rain must fall
..said Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, but, as Charlie Brown in the "Peanuts" cartoon said, "This is ridiculous!" Right on cue, the wet weather that we had been promised for some days, arrived on … [Read more...]
Lateral thinking something at which my wonderful wife excels (although, like the guy in the picture, it is often prompted and assisted by copious amounts of coffee) When I went to the Island Classic a few … [Read more...]
Signs of the times
So the Sepang test is over, what did we learn from it? As usual, a lot but not a lot. I learned a long time ago not to place too much stock in testing times as I think I have noted before. There are … [Read more...]
Why be difficult..
..when, with a little bit more effort, you could be completely impossible? This was one of the many pithy sayings for which I remember my father so fondly. And it is very pertinent at the moment as … [Read more...]
Island madness?
[youtube][/youtube] Today somebody posted this link on Facebook. It features British rider, Steve Plater doing a complete lap of the Isle of Man TT course … [Read more...]
Back to the track
Still in recovery mode after a monster week at the Island Classic, it appears that I am heading back to the Island in just a few weeks for the opening round of the World Superbike/Supersport … [Read more...]