Yesterday I went to Newcastle. When I went up last time I spent a great few hours with a PCRA buddy talking bikes and having a great bench racing session. Yesterday I bypassed that pit stop and went … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2011
Another weekend in paradise…sort of
With the Sydney basin having experienced its wettest July since 1951 so far this month, it hasn't exactly been paradise, or even close actually. Throw in the notorious westerly winds that plague … [Read more...]
A bitter-sweet anniversary
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the death of one of Australia's best-ever production bike racers, Jim Budd. Jim burst onto the scene in the early 1970's but achieved almost instant fame as one … [Read more...]
Half yearly MotoGp report: Julian Ryder lays it on the line.
The erudite and insightful Julian Ryder published his half-yearly report on superbikeplanet this morning. This is what he had to say. "It's Summer break for the last 800cc MotoGP championship, with … [Read more...]
Bike porn from Spa
Apparently there was some big classic bike meeting held at Spa, in Belgium, on the weekend. Photographer Ben Cope was there and thanks to him, we can all drool over some of the gorgeous machinery that … [Read more...]
More Shadowfax progress
Today my brother and I travelled to Canberra to get some more work done on the bike. I needed to have the hub removed from the back wheel in order to refit the drum brake hub. That required removing … [Read more...]
Getting very political
The hot topic in the run-up to this weekend's MotoGp event at Laguna Seca is not the ridiculous wildcard handed to Ben Bostrom or even the fact that Ducati will be bringing (have already brought??) 8 … [Read more...]
It seems things are looking up, finally.
Following on from my story yesterday that Suzuki are planning on building a new assembly plant, comes news that 2nd quarter sales of Harley Davidsons have risen by 7.5% in the USA. Given that the USA … [Read more...]
Rained in
I was planning on doing something interesting today but the day has dawned overcast and bleak and now it's started to rain. Oh well, the housework DOES need to be done so I guess I'll do … [Read more...]
Giving in to my French side
Yesterday, after careful perusing of the "What's on in Sydney" web site, I opted for the "All French Day" at Silverwater Park and the Mustang show at the Museum of Fire at Penrith. A pleasant run up … [Read more...]