somebody has to do it.. I worked at Port Kembla School today. This is view of the car park. And this is what can be seen from the windows of many of the classrooms. Tough, eh? Oh, and they have … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2008
It just wasn’t going to happen.
Woke up this morning; what a glorious-looking day. Got stuck into the chores and wrapped them up about lunch time. Mmm, coffee and a pie sounds good. Gear on, warm up the bike, noticing some black … [Read more...]
Lake Conjola bends..aarrrrrggghh!!!!!
Paul and I went fishing down the coast yesterday. We left real early so that we could get as much time on the wharf as possible and the traffic was minimal; like, I mean, non-existant. We passed a … [Read more...]
“The Long Way Round.”
Sheesh, talk about the "Long Way Round." Had to teach at Dapto High today, but the bridge over the railway line on Cleveland Road, just outside the school gate, is closed for a major upgrade. Sooo, … [Read more...]
“Rainy days and Mondays always make me cry.”
Why is it that, for even the shortest ride, if it's raining, you still have to fully "gear up"? The questions is rhetorical, as I already know the answer, but it's worth asking anyway. Still … [Read more...]
Some days are diamonds..
and some days are stones, as John Denver used to say. You can go for months without having a drama and then they seem to come along all together. Today on the way home from school, I had 3 separate … [Read more...]
Back to work, slave!
Well, the school holidays are over and I've never been gladder to get back to work. As noted below, the holidays have been extremely boring and I'm looking forward to school tomorrow where I can break … [Read more...]
Night Racing
Stayed up and watched the WSBK meeting last night. I usually watch the first race and the WSS and then tape Race 2 as it often finishes very late, but, meh, I watched them both. Bayliss is awesome … [Read more...]
Bald Hill and Superbikes
Spent the morning at Bald Hill this morning. MCC had a stand there doing some testing of helmets and we spent the morning talking to the riders who turned up there (and there weren't many as the … [Read more...]
Dabbling with Ducks, or, being Monstered can be fun.
Frasers Motorcycles at Fairymeadow had a Ducati test ride day today so I went along to have a look and to poach a ride or two. The whole fleet was there and it was really a matter of "name your … [Read more...]