Today is Christmas Eve. As my wife is of Finnish extraction, it has become a tradition in my house that we have Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve and open the presents etc afterwards. So, I'd like … [Read more...]
Bits from all over
Now that the "silly season" is over (almost - there are still a few wild stories out there like Chris Vermeulen returning to MotoGp with the Ioda team - this isn't going to happen as he wants to be … [Read more...]
Caught in the crossfire
Nobody who has even the smallest vestige of humanity can fail to be appalled at the massacre of children and staff at the school in Newtown in the USA last week. Now, those of you who read me … [Read more...]
There and back
When we were children, whenever we travelled, and we travelled a lot, we would always say to dad, "Where are we going?" And his standard reply used to be, "There and back to see how far it is. And, if … [Read more...]
Bits and pieces
Lots has been happening but not much on the motorcycling front. With the end of both major seasons and the winter testing ban now in force till February, the muttering rotters are cast onto their own … [Read more...]