Kent just emailed that to me. This is the completed seat/tank unit ready to be painted. Makes me realise just how awesome the bike is going to look. NOTE: For some reason my WorldPress … [Read more...]
An unlucky break
News in this morning that Nicky Hayden has suffered an accident in private testing that may compromise his participation in the first MotoGp test of the year at the end of January. Hayden was riding … [Read more...]
Gearing up for “The Island”
The 2012 Island Classic at Phillip Island (d'uh) is shaping up to be one of the most exciting ever. With an entry list of over 200 riders (and over 350 machines) plus an expected spectator turn-out of … [Read more...]
Serious Shadowfax progress
Just completed another update of the Shadowfax Restoration page. Seriously exciting things are happening. Check the link on the right side of this page for the latest update. … [Read more...]
Merry Christmas everyone
I've been a bit slack, haven't I? I've left it till late on Christmas Day to get on and wish you all the compliments of the season. It's been hectic, but, with my wife's encouraging medical reports, … [Read more...]
20/20 hindsight
They say that hindsight is 20/20 so it's not surprising that, now that the MotoGp season is over, a lot of people are saying that Valentino Rossi probably made the wrong decision in leaving Yamaha and … [Read more...]
More progress on the project
Picked up the swingarm from South Coast Powder Coating this afternoon, so another piece of the puzzle has been put in place. You can see how Chris has offest the arm on this side so that it … [Read more...]
Superglue a Kawasaki (sorry ’bout that)
Overnight the announcement has been made concerning Kawasaki's plans for the WSS in 2012. It seems that they have lured two-times World Supersport champion, Kenan Sofoglu, away from Moto2 back to the … [Read more...]
Where is MotoGp heading?
One of my favourite motorsports sites,, published this very thought-provoking article over the weekend. I thought it was well worth sharing. Where is MotoGp heading? In other news, the … [Read more...]
Shadowfax update
Today I did an update on the Shadowfax restoration page. … [Read more...]