Today I want to start a little mini-series of articles that are sparked by some sort of connection to song titles. It occurs to me that I have probably done this before but haven't made the … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2019
Behind bars
It's 2019 and I was reminded the other day that this will be the 45th year that I have spent behind bars. Of course I am speaking in motorcycle terms not penitentiary ones so I thought it would be a … [Read more...]
Staying on the ball
OK, there is so much that is wrong about this photo that I can't even begin, but it's not what is wrong with it that is my reason for using it in this article. You see, today I want to talk to you … [Read more...]
Postcards from the road – again
I've been busy, as you can probably tell. This retirement caper is exhausting. Last week we did a three day tour up through the Blue Mountains in the van, by far the most enjoyable we have done so … [Read more...]
Best not look if you are a mechanic
My regular readers will know that I have another life away from two wheels (actually I have several other lives but we won't go there now). As well as my bikes, speedway is another pursuit of mine and … [Read more...]
Orphan is not a term that we hear very much these days. When I was growing up in the aftermath of WWII, it was in common usage as hundreds of thousands of children in the war-torn countries had lost … [Read more...]
Straightening it out
Ever since I bought the bike I have had this little thing that has bugged me. The top triple clamp has always been just a "little" off. When you line up the wheel so that it's straight, the distance … [Read more...]
A long talk, the first of two
Well, after a lot of flaffing around, I have managed to get my Island Classic interviews uploaded to the MotoPod Dropbox folder. The first half of them has been published this week. Follow the link … [Read more...]
The races and the road
Last weekend I travelled to Port Macquarie for Round One of the MotoStars series for 2019. Rd1 was SUPPOSED to be held at Greer Park near Toowoomba but the local nimbys have been kicking up a noise … [Read more...]