As you know, I have about 3000 scanned images of the photos of road racing on the east coast that I took from 1976-1981. Most of these are from Oran Park, Bathurst, Amaroo Park and Hume Weir. I never … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2020
Mirror, mirror
I have found that, in motorcycling as in life, it is nearly always the small things that cause the most aggravation. Nowhere is this better illustrated at the moment than in the on-going saga of my … [Read more...]
Motorcycle song
From time to time someone asks me, "Why aren't there lots of songs written about motorcycles?" My answer is always the same, I just don't know. Anyway, as the intro to this video will explain, I found … [Read more...]
New boingers
You no doubt recall that my outing with the Gold Wing club a couple of weeks ago saw a significant problem rear its ugly head, a blown shock absorber. To be honest it didn't even occur to me that the … [Read more...]
From the, “That didn’t quite work out as planned,” file
I haven't done a Putty Ride since early March, possibly the longest time in between rides ever, so when the opportunity presented itself to get a long ride in, I took it. But, as the title suggests, I … [Read more...]
I hope I can stand it..
This afternoon an impressive-looking box was delivered to my place. It didn't feel real heavy so I couldn't quite figure out what it was. Then I remembered that I had been talking to the … [Read more...]
Falling in love again..
Yesterday was a very frustrating but, ultimately, very rewarding day. After taking care of the chores as usual, I set out with a sheaf of paperwork in hand to arrange the historic registration for … [Read more...]