Half of My Life - Phil Hall's Motorcycling
About Phil
Contact Phil
celebrating 40+ years of motorcycling
Phil's Motobiography
Chapters 1-5
Chapter 1 – Bikes from the beginning
Chapter 2 – Is there a Jawa in your future?
Chapter 3 – A speedway connection
Chapter 4 – Copped
Chapter 5 – You meet the nicest people
Chapters 6-10
Chapter 6 – A fortuitous mistake
Chapter 7 – The adventure begins
Chapter 8 – Coincidence?
Chapter 9 – Ignorance is bliss
Chapter 10 – A dirty story
Chapters 11-15
Chapter 12 – Road racing it is!
Chapter 11 – Strangled
Chapter 13 – I saw Blakey beat Ago
Chapter 14 – Onwards and slideways
Chapter 15 – Join the club
Chapters 16-20
Chapter 16 – Honda four ever
Chapter 17 – Fettling the 500
Chapter 18 – Racing on the streets. Part 1
Chapter 19 – Racing on the streets. Part 2
Chapter 20 – Racing on the streets. Part 3
Chapter 21-25
Chapter 21 – Racing on the streets. Part 4
Chapter 22 – Racing on the streets. The Finale
Chapter 23 – Macarthur Park – The Postscript
Chapter 24 – The joys of CBX
Chapter 25 – Sayonara, Suzuki
Chapter 26 – CBX, it’s like a drug
Photo Albums
My US Trip 2015
Macarthur Park
Touring photos
Aussies abroad
Kel Carruthers – Tribute to a legend.
Feats of endurance
Australian scene
Race Commentary: Some things I have learned.
From the commentary box
The Harvie Wiltshire Trophy. Hume Weir, October 1976.
"King of the Weir" 1978.
The ShadowFax Kawasaki – a new chapter.
Remembering "Moose" 30 years on
"The Ride of my Life": Joe Eastmure remembers the 1977 Castrol Six Hour Race.
Rare Macarthur Park photos.
Some more pictures from Macarthur Park.
Eastern Creek in reverse – an interesting idea.
The greatest race I have ever seen.
Moto GP
Where did you get THAT idea from?
The truth is out, "It's all about the show."
Reviewing the Stoner era.
Fabulous old-skool video
Motorcycle Racing and Racers
I can outbrake him – Oran Park 1977
The curious case of Michelle Duff.
Old racers never die.
OK, who IS Steve Parrish?
More about "The Croz"
More "Fast Freddie"
Quick Spencer update
Graeme Crosby – the Kiwi larrikan.
Graeme Crosby – an appreciation.
Good Graeme Crosby interview
Cycle World Interview: Eddie Lawson.
Connections, a tale of three riders
RIP Marco Simoncelli
Kenny Blake: One of our greatest ever.
RIP: Greg Pretty.
Gregg Hansford: the greatest of his era.
Tribute to Jarno Sarinen
RIP Gary Nixon
A pilgrimage of sorts
Other Racing
The story of Steve Wise
Mat Mladin interview: The Man speaks his mind.
Now here's something you don't often see..
National Motor Racing Museum: A must-see venue.
The street is no place to race.
Testing the crashproof bike.
Thinking outside the box – indicators on your jacket.
SPEED IS NOT THE PROBLEM -Yes, you read correctly.
Stay in touch – please.
Slip, sliding away.
RIP: Harry Hurt.
RIP: Harry Hurt.
NSW police are FORCED to say that speed is a factor in all accidents.
Nolan N102 product review.
Loud pipes???
"Binning It"
Bazza and Ken talk crashing..with a little help from Wayne.
Are Subaru Foresters the new Volvo?
Are Subaru Foresters the new Volvo?
5 ways to crash. A good article.
We are our own worst enemies.
Ride it Right. Part 1.
Ride it Right. Part 2
Riding at night.
What is meant by the "Right Line"?
On being a pillion passenger.
Group riding vs solo riding.
Excellent suspension set-up site.
Touring Solo.
Over-Halling the Putty
Riding the Clyde.
Ride the Clyde.
Ever wanted to just "take off" ?
Dubbo? Done!
Coals to Newcastle.
Longing for the freedom of the road.
Another bit of riding Nirvana
A "must ride" road.
The joys of the backroads.
The long way round (with apologies to Ewan and Charlie)
"The Lap"
Eating on the road – a gourmet guide
The Ride That Shall Not Be Mentioned
"The Ride That Shall Not Be Mentioned." A Touring Diary Pt1
"The Ride That Shall Not Be Mentioned." A Touring Diary Pt2
"The Ride That Shall Not Be Mentioned." A Touring Diary Pt3
"The Ride That Shall Not Be Mentioned." A Touring Diary Pt4
"The Ride That Shall Not Be Mentioned." A Touring Diary Pt5
"The Ride That Shall Not Be Mentioned." A Touring Diary Pt6
"The Ride That Shall Not Be Mentioned." A Touring Diary Pt7
"The Ride That Shall Not Be Mentioned." A Touring Diary Pt8
Postcards from the road
Postcards from the road. Pt1.
Postcards from the road. Pt2.
Postcards from the road. Pt3.
Postcards from the road. Pt4.
Postcards from the road. Pt5.
Postcards from the road. Pt6.
Oxley Adventures
The drug that is called The Oxley. October 2009.
The drug that is called "Oxley"
On the road again -again. Oxley Tour May 2009
4 days on the road: The Oxley adventure.
Oxley Overdose.
Guess where I am at the moment?
I head a little further north each year.
6 Days on the Road. The North Coast Raid January 2010.
The "Plan B" Tour.
Get about – Get a bike
19 of the world's most challenging and dangerous roads.
On the death of the NSW country town.
On the death of individuality
Saved by the music.
Pass it on
Fantasy garage.
Fantasy Garage – A Rainy Day Exercise.
36 years is a long time….
Great Bikes
The V4 passion.
A supercharged VFR! Yes, really
I admire special builders.
The Supercharged VFR – Update.
My favourite project: A supercharged VFR!
Awesome: A V12 Honda CBX.
The V12 CBX – Part II
The Gurney Alligator
The ShadowFax Story.
Come from the shadows – the Shadowfax restoration
A walking shadow.
Remember Pearl Harbour.
RIP Hilary Morton
A sobering day
Remembering Maxie – one year on.
The call you don't want to receive
A sad memory
Things I've Learned
The value of a good mechanic
What the NSW RTA really thinks about motorcyclists
Some days are diamonds
A brilliant solution to music on the move.
On being a Good Samaritan.
Why Europe and the USA don't matter
Signs of the times.
RIP Ken Wootton
NACA Ducts
Jeremy Clarkson is a prat!
Electric? No, thanks.
A good snapper
Book review: Stealing Speed by Mat Oxley
Book Review: "The Aussies and 2 NZ blokes" by Don Cox
Book review "One Good Run" by Tim Hanna
King Kenny at the Indy Mile.
Old Bike Australasia – A recommendation.
Movie review: "On Any Sunday"
A shameless plug for OBA.
Superb trials riding skills
Rufus didn't handle the Christmas celebrations that well
Making your Honda sound like a Ducati.
How to zombie-proof your car
Community policing at its best
Born to be mild.
ABBA: A motorcycling legacy.
"Dude, where's my bike?"
Arrrgh – Rainy Days.
New European Racing Series…one of my better efforts if I do say so myself.
When you're hot..
A nut in every car.
"The Gallon Gallop."
When good bananas go bad
The things you see.
How Triumph Rocket III's are made.
The Motorcycle Olympics
Universal truths…..
"My blackberry isn't working."
Stig can't ride a bike
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Half of My Life - Phil Hall's Motorcycling