Yes, folks, it is 50 years since the greatest motorcycle movie ever, "On Any Sunday" debuted in the theatres. A smash hit from Bruce Brown, the renowned producer of the iconic surfing movies of the … [Read more...]
Slightly out of area..
For my readers who are not familiar with the regulations where I live, we are presently in lockdown and have been since July. The rules are pretty strict and, unlike the similar lockdown in 2020 where … [Read more...]
Standing still
In motorcycling terms, standing still is not an option, unless you have your feet on the ground or the bike is on its stand. I know there are people who specialise in riding bikes while they are … [Read more...]
My other bike
As you know, I've been trying to get into shape during the lockdown. I figure that there are two choices here; stay at home and eat and suffer the consequences or get out and start exercising and see … [Read more...]
Fathers Day
Today is Fathers Day, here in Australia, anyway, the day is celebrated on other dates in other areas but today here we pause and remember our dads. If you ARE a dad OR a grandad, then Happy Fathers … [Read more...]