What with COVID, lockdowns, family responsibilities and whatever, it's been months since we have been away in the van so we decided we'd have a little mini-break last week. It didn't begin … [Read more...]
Spots before my eyes
Yesterday while I was riding I became aware of a "spider web" effect crawling across my vision. After a couple of minutes I closed my left eye and the effect disappeared, so it was clearly something … [Read more...]
RIP Ralph Hudson
I'm feeling pretty low this morning, my good friend and hero, Ralphie Hudson succumbed last night to the injuries he received in his crash at Bonneville on August 14th. At times like this, words are … [Read more...]
Old Racing Photos – again.
From time to time someone will remark about how the 1970s was the Golden Era of Australian road racing. Now it's probably fair to say that every generation regards theirs as the best but, as someone … [Read more...]