I was a mad keen car fanatic before I discovered bikes. And, around the time I got around to getting my licence, I was mad keen on car rallies - heck I had stood by the road in Kiama in 1968 and … [Read more...]
Past sure – future uncertain
This time 11 years ago, I was lying in the Emergency Ward at St George Hospital in Sydney. I was sure how I had got there but there were lots of details that were hazy at best. What I DID know was … [Read more...]
Life in the slow lane
I found out very early in my motorcycling career that I didn't have the right "stuff" to be a fast rider. I guess that was partly as a result of my upbringing in the 1950s when the pace of life WAS … [Read more...]
Freedom Day..
Today is the 11th of October. As of today, our lockdown because of COVID-19 is being lifted, well, partially. We have now been under a "Stay at Home" order since the middle of July. By "we" I mean, … [Read more...]