Having already passed the three score years and ten it has occurred to me several times of late that I have much more on which to look back than I have on which to look forward. I was reminded of this … [Read more...]
While cleaning out a cupboard in my garage on the weekend, I found a postage roll with half a dozen old posters in it. I knew I HAD them but I've had no idea for a long time as to where they were. … [Read more...]
Drive first or ride first?
Times have changed quite a bit since I wore one of these plates on my vehicles. It was late 1969 when I had one on my car and mid-1974 when I had one on my bike. Back then the process of getting one … [Read more...]
There's a very active thread running in one of the forums I inhabit about securing your bike when you are touring. It is an important issue because you do have to sleep sometimes don't you, and who is … [Read more...]
The G.O.A.T.
On a regular basis, the argument will break out on the internet on who is the greatest motorcycle rider of all time. Of course, it's a nonsense because you simply can't compare competitors from … [Read more...]
10 years is a long time.
My regular readers will recongnise the picture above and probably also realise why I have posted it (again). Yes, today is October the 18th and it is 10 years to the day since I found a semi-trailer … [Read more...]
Getting to know you..
Helena was on an art course today and the weather was looking promising so I decided I'd blow the cobwebs out of the Gold Wing. When I got the log book out to put in the details for today's ride I was … [Read more...]
Life without Marc
What a bizarre MotoGp season it has been so far. COVID has had all sorts of effects on the calendar, the inability of spectators to attend the races, the heath scares that have concerned the paddock … [Read more...]
Rack off
When I bought Bexie in 1994 it was from a lovely gentleman called John Howard (not THAT John Howard) who lived in Pennant Hills in Sydney. The bike was actually his wife's and he rode a CBX1000. They … [Read more...]
Another dam ride
My club holds lots of rides every month which is great. A regular monthly ride is the Ron Foye Ride, named in honour of a past club member. Yesterday was Wednesday so the regular RFR was scheduled. It … [Read more...]