There's an old carpenters' saying that says. "Measure twice - cut once" It's pretty obvious what it means and most apprentices to the trade get taught it very early on in their training. It is, after … [Read more...]
Diving in at the deep end
Opportunities for nursing home concerts in the last two years have been few and far between. COVID has hit the industry particularly hard with the older and more fragile residents of these facilities … [Read more...]
I've never been much on riding other peoples' bikes, too expensive if I do something silly with them. That's not to say that I haven't and the "silly" bit has also happened as you will … [Read more...]
Progress Pt 2
As I have said on many occasions, motorcycle friends are the best friends. This morning the courier delivered my new Vision R visor. Posted last Thursday in Darwin, delivered today, pretty impressive, … [Read more...]
Please allow me to get up on the soapbox a little today. Above is the (scratched) visor from my Shark Vision R helmet. I have been looking for a new visor for it for some months and every lead that I … [Read more...]