While trolling through my old photos (looking for something else entirely) I came across these two little gems. Ever since I started motorcycle touring I have kept a little book in which I kept the … [Read more...]
A far, FAR rider..
I'm privileged to know several riders who belong to various long distance riding clubs. Their feats of endurance amaze me and I'm filled with admiration for them. However, this gentleman, … [Read more...]
Old racing photos – again
My more knowledgeable readers will not only recognise the bike and its rider but also the location in which this photo was taken. It is, of course, the Masaaki Engineering Honda 400/4 (closer to 500cc … [Read more...]
Top of the class
Well, the late nights and early mornings are over for another year. And the late nights and early mornings have been even worse than ever in the closing part of the MotoGp season as the races ran well … [Read more...]
Island Classic – reset
Since ever the corona virus stupidity started it was always a given that the 2021 International Island Classic was not going to be run. The ban on international flights, stringent quarantine measures … [Read more...]
And now, as promised…
Remember this photo that I published a couple of weeks ago? I promised that there would be a story to go with it and here it is. Karl Praml, the man and his motorcycling impact. Late last month … [Read more...]
On top of the world
Yesterday's weather was predicted to be pretty close to perfect. Helena was attending an art course for the day so what should I do? I mean, it's simple, innit? It was Goldie's turn to get the cobwebs … [Read more...]
Using what’s on offer
I always try to publish original stuff here but this news item from a couple of days ago was just too goon not to share. Enjoy. Man uses old bunker as his own motorcycle museum. Speedway starts … [Read more...]
After dark
I hardly ever ride at night these days, which is a strange perversity because my bike has the best and brightest headlight of any bike I've ever owned. When I first started riding I used to ride at … [Read more...]
As you no doubt know, we bought a new car a while ago. Well, not a new car as in brand new but a much newer second hand car. We have had the Aurion for about 5 years and there was nothing wrong with … [Read more...]