....what it used to be, as they say in the classics. This morning I want to ease a burr that has been under my saddle for quite a long time. It is this. Why are people spending inordinate amounts of … [Read more...]
Moto who?
And so we come to the end of another Grand Prix season. As per previous seasons, the championships have been dominated by Spanish riders for no other reason than that the Spanish MC federation is … [Read more...]
Which came first?
http://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/learner-drivers-should-take-motorcycle-lessons-cory-bernardi/story-fnjwucvh-1227133922794 At a meeting in Canberra yesterday, the subject of … [Read more...]
All the gear
It's squid season again. Here in Australia, as the weather begins to warm up, the squids start coming out of their hiding places. Riding their sports bikes (although other classes of machinery do not … [Read more...]
The curious case of the disappearing tail
(For maximum effect, this article is best read in a David Attenborough voice. To assist readers in doing so, I have enclosed each paragraph in inverted commas) “Since the first motorcycle evolved, … [Read more...]
Look back in….
While driving to Shell Cove school where I do a fortnightly IT gig, I drove past the school at Mount Brown. I've done a heap of relief work over the years there over the years but, as I drove by, the … [Read more...]