There are many features of social media that I do not like. I participate because it has enabled me to re-establish contact with dozens of my old friends from decades ago and to make new friends who … [Read more...]
How much do you plan?
I am making the assumption that many of my readers don't just ride their motorcycles around town but also tour on them as well. And I am pretty confident that most lifers will know that motorcycle … [Read more...]
It never rains…..
..well, you know the rest, don't you? Yesterday was Easter Saturday and the long weekend. It was also speedway night at Nowra with the speedcars as the featured division and the night's racing … [Read more...]
Whew, what a weekend.
Yes, it's Monday night and I've only just now gathered up the energy to sit down and summarise the weekend. It was crazy, fun, tiring and totally worth it. As mentioned in my last post, I had … [Read more...]
Up the Creek
th This weekend is the annual Barry Sheene Festival of Speed (hereinafter known as BSFoS) and, once again, I am onsite and doing MotoPod duties. However, it's not quite the same, for me at … [Read more...]
Different days – different ways
As I have noted so many times before, it is amazing what difference a day can make. Late last week I went for a ride up to the Pie Shop. As is my usual pattern, I went up via Macquarie Pass and down … [Read more...]
One of the main concerns we have had with the Minibago has been that of ventilation. Since the vehicle was originally an ambulance, the issue wasn't critical as the van had two sets of air … [Read more...]
A fine afternoon
I never cease to be amazed by social media. I can't even begin to count the number of people from the "old days" who I have as friends on Facebook. Many of them are people who I haven't seen for … [Read more...]
The fun continues
Most of you will know that my local riders club, Illawarra Riders, not only organises short and long distance rides and tours but also has an active social calendar as well. One of the long standing … [Read more...]