When most motorcyclists think of weekends they either look forward to riding their bikes or to going to the track to watch other people riding their bikes. Or, maybe they think of spending some time … [Read more...]
Pleasant memories
The Sheene is always a great opportunity for punters to bring along their classic bikes for everyone to admire and last weekend was no exception. All tastes and preferences were there and, if you … [Read more...]
A bad day at the races…
..is still better than a good day at work. Or, so the saying goes. . Over the many years I have been following this wonderful sport I have seen all sorts of days. I've been baked, fried, broiled … [Read more...]
Into each life some rain must fall Pt2
In all of my years riding I have only ever met a handful of riders who actually like riding in the rain. The vast majority of us loathe it with a passion and will do almost anything to avoid it. When … [Read more...]
Where have the great singer/songwriters gone?
Not specifically motorcycle-related today, oh, unless you want to include Arlo Guthrie's famous "Motorcycle song" [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSrZ68JV3mY[/youtube] Today I'd like to … [Read more...]
Compact cars
As is often the case on a Saturday night in Summer (well, it's really Autumn, but) I spent the night at the speedway. One of the "perks" of being the course announcer is that I get access to all areas … [Read more...]
No gain without….
......pain, or so the gym junkies say. Having never been one, I can't really say, but they tell me it is so. Fitness hurts and you can't get there without the attendant pain. Well, I'm not fit, … [Read more...]
From time to time on Facebook the subject of Bathurst, Mount Panorama and the bike races held there over the years raises its head. Those of us fairly familiar with the subject will know that bikes … [Read more...]