We're staying in town at the moment, camped up in the backyard of one of Thommo's mates until the road to the station is graded and driveable for a 2WD vehicle. We've been seeing the sights and … [Read more...]
6 days on the road…
Six and a half years ago I used this title for the north coast tour that I did on BBII. Little did I know at the time how much life was soon to change for me. I've just finished another 6 days on the … [Read more...]
How do you tell if a mechanic is lying?
So, it's now Friday and we are in the Hunter Valley. We set out on our big adventure on Tuesday morning so we haven't really got very far as I will explain. Since we have been planning this long … [Read more...]
Death by stupidity
On the way back from Cessnock the weekend before last, we dropped in at our favourite cafe on the Putty road. The owners, John and Kim Grace, are great friends of ours and, unless it's crazy busy (it … [Read more...]
Off into the wild blue yonder
Firstly my sincere apologies for neglecting my duties but I do have a good reason. In a few days, probably just after the long weekend and when the petrol prices have subsided from their present … [Read more...]
Last weekend was a very productive one. A visit to the Hunter Valley home of an old school mate and the installation of the solar power system in the Minibago. It consists of a 200W solar panel … [Read more...]