Sitting on the lounge watching the TV news I couldn't believe what I was hearing. No, that couldn't be right. Surely not. The reporter said that DFAT hadn't confirmed it yet but it was believed that a … [Read more...]
Another special “special”
When we moved to Canberra in late 1976 I was heavily involved in CB radio as well as my motorcycling hobby. Not just local communications but chasing the "skip" and talking to people all over the … [Read more...]
Wild winds, great coffee and good and bad news
It is well known that Chicago, in the USA, is known as the Windy City. Well, Wollongong, just south of Sydney, has a similar reputation and, thusly, a similar name, Windy Wollongong. Every winter, … [Read more...]
White vans
Today's entry is something of a Public Service Announcement and it is this. BEWARE OF WHITE VANS. Let me explain. If you travel anywhere on your bike these days you are going to be sharing the road … [Read more...]
Mind over matter
To say that I have been dissatisfied with my riding since I started riding again would be the understatement of the year. My lines are woeful, my anticipation all over the place, my renowned … [Read more...]
Animals Pt2
A while ago I published an article about all the different types of hairy beasts that motorcyclists were likely to encounter while riding in Australia. While the list was not definitive it was … [Read more...]
The amazing story of George Disteel
Long time readers will know that I pride myself on publishing only original content on this blog site. If you want to know what other writers feel about the shape of things, then they have their own … [Read more...]