I usually try to "space" my tyre purchases so as to limit the expense a bit. Goodness knows why it is that bike tyres cost so much more than car tyres, but, anyway. But circumstances have conspired … [Read more...]
Web site update.
Today I have updated a number of pages on my site including a new chapter in My Motobiography. … [Read more...]
What motorcycle magazines do you read?
I remember devouring motorcycle magazines when I first got involved. Of course they were cheaper then, but we didn't have the internet then either. Nowadays, I don't buy magazines for news, … [Read more...]
Finally, a new VFR, or is it?
After all the bleating that has gone on for years and years about Honda's refusal to update the VFR, it seems that finally they have decided to do something. However, being the perverse corporate … [Read more...]