You have undoubtedly noticed that I haven't been updating the blog recently. It's not because I don't WANT to or because I don't think it's important, it's just that I am finding it very difficult to … [Read more...]
MotoGp 2021
It's time to start thinking about this year's MotoGp season. While we in Australia are starting to feel that the worst of the COVID19 crisis is over the same cannot be said for overseas with lockdowns … [Read more...]
Just lately there has been a lot of chatter on Facebook about Wayne Gardner. Being a local boy (to me) means that I am automatically interested in anything that concerns Wayne and it has been pretty … [Read more...]
40 years doesn’t take long to go by
I know it's early in 2021 but, you know me, I am always on the lookout for something significant to do with the date and it occurred to me this morning that this year will mark the 40th anniversary of … [Read more...]