Here's a wonderful video of the Imola Reunion in October 2010, featuring riders like Paul Smart, Giacomo Agostini, Steve Baker, Kenny Roberts, Christian Sarron and a host of rare and exotic 2 stroke … [Read more...]
The two faces of Vito
Back in WWII, RAF pilots coined the term "boffins" to describe the technical people who worked behind the scenes performing all the minor miracles that enabled the pilots to do their work … [Read more...]
Castrol returns
Great news in overnight that Castrol has returned to WSBK after many years' absence, as the major sponsor of the Ten Kate team, Honda's de facto "works" team in the championship. Castrol won 2 WSBK … [Read more...]
It's not what it used to be, or so they say. Well, that's not always true. Consider this photo from the excellent collection of British photographer Graham Etheridge. (these photos are … [Read more...]
Getting into the swim
This morning my wonderful wife took me to Kiama. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the water was beckoning. We had gone there in the hope of going swimming, but the combination of school … [Read more...]
Cap’n Bligh
Not THIS Cap'n Bligh.. but THIS Cap'n Bligh.. Of all the things good and bad that have come out of the Queensland floods, by far and away the best has been the extraordinary performance of … [Read more...]
Got a few mil lying around?
If so, you might want to buy this brace of historic bikes (must be bought as a pair). Freddie Spencer collection. As a self-confessed Spencer tragic, owning these two would be roughly equivalent … [Read more...]
How Ducati has changed the GP11
As expected, the arrival of the Rossi/Burgess team has meant wholesale changes to the GP11, despite Ducati's "evolutionary rather than revolutionary" comments. In this excellent article from … [Read more...]
More good news
Whoohoo, went to the fracture clinic at the hospital. X-rays confirm that the bones ARE healing and that no movement of pins, plates, screws, has taken place. I now have permission to put full … [Read more...]
Ducati launches the GP11
In a snowbound resort in the Italian Alps, Ducati unveiled their 2011 challenger, the GP11. Looking strangely bare with the withdrawal of Marlboro sponsorship, the bike is said to be "evolutionary … [Read more...]