Well, we are getting close to the end of my saga. Thanks for sticking with me and thank you for your feedback. I had no idea there were so many guitar heads out there. Again … [Read more...]
Every guitar Pt 2
Sometime around when I bought the Washburn, I also bought an electric guitar and amplifier. I have no idea why and, looking back on it now, I can tell you very little about. I advertised it … [Read more...]
Every guitar tells a story
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6IB0trJoJU[/youtube] A good friend on Facebook posted up this YouTube video today. I confess to being somewhat of a Willie Nelson fan having listened to … [Read more...]
It was a long time ago, before this photo was taken and not long after I started riding. My brother, who was living in the Hunter Valley at the time, called me and said, "Guess what?" I … [Read more...]
Take 2
As you recall, I was going to do a Putty run on Wednesday but fate had different ideas. The weather forecast for Friday continued to be good so, come yesterday morning, I suited up at 0600 and headed … [Read more...]
Taking the hint
Yesterday morning it seemed as if the planets had all lined up nicely. The weather forecast was good and Helena was away showing her Finnish cousins around the Blue Mountains. So, ride time. I woke … [Read more...]
Despise not the day of Small things
If you are a motorcycle/motorcycle racing enthusiast in these days of the Internet, you must have been hiding under a rock to have missed seeing the many times that this famous photograph has been … [Read more...]
Island time – still
Just a few more reflections on the 22nd Island Classic. Firstly, while it is about motorcycle racing, and very SERIOUS motorcycle racing at that, the vast majority of people involved in … [Read more...]