It seems like forever since the finale to the 2008 season in Portimao, Portugal, but the wait is over with WSBK kicking off at PI this weekend. As usual, all eyes will be on the Aussies, especially … [Read more...]
A couple of great videos.
First of all, the story of the stuntman who re-created the famous jump from "The Great Escape" Secondly, a wonderful video … [Read more...]
Web site update.
Today I have updated with 3 new pages. Chapter 7 of My Motobiography. NRMA (look it up and see what it means) And Chapter 4 of "The Ride That Shall Not Be Mentioned." Enjoy. … [Read more...]
I’ve been away, so..
Well, actually, I haven't been away, but the site has been off-line while it was moved from my old server to the new one. Waiting for it to propagate has been frustrating in the extreme, but we're up … [Read more...]
More of the same..
Item 1. Kawasaki. Will they or won't they? The team tested a week ago at ECIR and at PI, and, while the data suggested that the bike is much quicker in 2009 guise than it was in 2008 form (though, God … [Read more...]
Miscellany: Web site update and KERS.
Firstly, please note that I have added 4 articles this morning. 1. Chapter 6 in my Motobiography, entitled, "A Fortuitous Mistake." 2. A whinge about why Honda seems reluctant to update the … [Read more...]