The tyres (no, damn you, auto-correct, I will NOT call them "tires") on the VFR are what was on it when I bought it over a year ago which tells you that I haven't ridden it much, I guess. … [Read more...]
Safety first
It was speedway night last Saturday night. Despite the fact that the man in the street perceives a motorsport spectator as being only interested in the crashes, he is completely … [Read more...]
Draconian laws
Over the Christmas/New Year break we are accustomed to the usual PSA's from the authorities about travelling safely on the roads; don't speed, don't drink, take regular breaks, wear your … [Read more...]
Merry Christmas
So, for the seventh year (time does fly when you are having fun) it is my pleasure to wish all my reader the very best of the festive season. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a … [Read more...]
DIY is all the rage, right? Yep, Hardware superstores are springing up on every corner even though the sales figures seem to indicate that we neither need nor want them. But I have news for the reno … [Read more...]
Crystal balling
Now that the 2014 season is over and the teams for 2015 are settled, it is a good time to examine the lineup and see if we can make some tentative predictions. Here is the list: Repsol … [Read more...]
Are you sitting comfortably?
My diatribe the other week about the disappearance of the tailpieces on modern bikes and the implications that it has for seats on motorcycles has started a bit of a think. Combine this with … [Read more...]
Two for the road
A few weeks ago I dusted off the VFR and did The Lap. It didn't go well. Almost as soon as I started riding I was in a fair degree of pain and, by the time I had done about 80 kms I was in … [Read more...]