The weather forecast said it was going to be 25 degrees yesterday and it's still Winter (actually it got higher than that), so it was a no-brainer to do a Putty run. It's been March since I did … [Read more...]
Just Winging around
Yesterday I took advantage of the fact that the fierce Westerlies had dropped to get out and have a ride. With three registered bikes in the garage these days it makes for an interesting decision as … [Read more...]
If you’re a praying person…
Please spare some for my good friend and motorcycling hero, Ralph Hudson. Ralph, 69, the fastest motorcyclist on a sit-on motorcycle (297 mph average), suffered a big accident at Bonneville yesterday. … [Read more...]
I started motorcycle touring not long after I started riding. From memory, my first big tour was in 1980, 4 days up to the north coast and back from Canberra on my 500/4. Here she is on the … [Read more...]
I have always been an avid reader. For as long as I can remember there have been plenty of books in my house. When we were little it was expected that more than 50% of our Christmas and birthday … [Read more...]
Whither live music ?
As As you all know, one of my other "hats" is music. I've sung since ever I can remember, sung in school and college choirs, musicals and in a multitude of classrooms across my 40+ years teaching … [Read more...]