For those of my readers who don't live on the east coast of Australia I need to first explain that we have just endured a violent and disastrous weather event here in the last week. Described as a … [Read more...]
Wet and wild
It's been a wild and wet few days here on the east coast of Australia. A severe east coast low pressure system combined with the usual April king tides has brought some of the worst weather conditions … [Read more...]
Rain, rain
Well, the speedway season is over for me for another year. I wish I could say that it has been a good one, but it's been a very frustrating one, mostly because of the weather. When one is promoting an … [Read more...]
A good day on the road
The weather forecast for yesterday seemed good. Fine and 23 degrees so what better thing to do with the favourable conditions than go for a ride? I picked up my brother out on the highway … [Read more...]
Be prepared
I travelled some 440 kms yesterday to commentate a speedway meeting. A bit out of my usual zone, I admit, but the club who runs the speedway at Moruya was in need of commentary for one of their more … [Read more...]
Bring back Bathurst
Easter has just passed and, along with the holiday long weekend, the Easter Show, Easter eggs and traffic jams it never goes by without numerous souls bemoaning the passing of the Easter … [Read more...]
A good cleanup
On a group ride the other weekend someone remarked to me that it was time I shelled out for some more tyres (I knew that). They then added that the bike was looking a bit scruffy and could … [Read more...]
Coming to America
[youtube][/youtube] From "The Jazz Singer" Written and sung by Neil Diamond. As many of you may know, about a year ago our daughter and her family … [Read more...]